Tuesday, February 13, 2007


By: Tyararr J. Jones
I have whispered your name on silent lips,
I have sung your unspoken name in the quiet melodies of my thoughts.
My heart has stuttered in its steps to open its arms to you,
Patience has no limit to its pursuit to put a face with its expectation.
Waiting has become an art, but its focus is in dire need of satisfaction,
Beauty seeks to place its definition upon your face.
The steps leading you to me are imprinted with the steps of Christ,
For such a treasure can not be found in my wanting, but only through prayer and asking.
In the quietness of my thoughts I am refreshed by the very expectation of you,
But driven by the expectation of seeing my Lord.
I long for the happiness of seeing your smile,
But I am daily satisfied in the joy that my heart recieves through God's promises.
There is a path I seek to follow and a question I daily ask,
May I be the man I should and faithfully follow God's task.
I wait for you in loving silence with a heart full of care,
Hoping to one day open my heart again and with you humbly share.

1 comment:

Shyla said...

someday you will be able to sing "can't get enough of your love baby!!" LOL

good work uncle t!