Sunday, April 29, 2007


By: Tyararr J. Jones
It what form shall it pass my way today?
Does my heart and mind always capture its true essence?
Will it come my way in the form of nature, a song, a promise, or in the form of a person?
Beauty brings about responses of all calibers.
True beauty to me is seen in God and His sovereign work in my life and in the lives of another.
For who can truly explain it?
Every detail is in order, at the right time, in the right place, and for the right reason.
I do not always appreciate the true beauty of God's sovereignty.
The impatience of my heart sometimes clouds my vision of what I know to be right and wrong.
I am totally refreshed when I am patient and I trust wholly in what God is doing and how He is doing it.
Sometimes God reveals a picture of beauty in the form of a person.
This beauty that I speak of is the beauty that radiates from within and overflows outwardly.
This year God revealed that beauty through a person that I hold dear in my heart.
What is my response to this beauty?
My lips are silent, yet my heart speaks volumes.
Time spent is never enough.
My heart is held captive.
I am refreshed daily just by the very thought of her.
My pen has awakened to write more than it ever has.
The love of my heart is refreshed to give itself in a way it has never experienced.
So again I ask the question, "What is my response to this form of beauty"?
I am forever smitten by this picture and thankful for God's true beauty.
I am in debt to have experienced such a gift; a man such as I, undeserving.

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