Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Have you ever watched an old car that was totally rusted out for scraps get totally restored to a shiny smooth running machine? Have you ever been involved with restoring and fixing up an old run down house? Have you ever paused to take notice of the huge building that gets built up in a matter of months that you thought would take a year or more? Have you ever worked with a kid for a period of time and watched how he or she grows and changes in all sorts of ways? Have you ever been annoyed by the beginning pursuits of that young piano player who later plays sweet melodies of comfort? Have you worked with a sports team and watched how that team that had no chance of accomplishing anything; amazingly grow in leaps and bounds? Have you ever paused and reflected on what you were like five years ago? What you looked like five years ago? What you were like ten years ago?
All the things mentioned above took time. There was a PROCESS that had to take place before things were changed or accomplished. Before the finished PRODUCT was reached, it took a process of time, work, sweat, stretching of patience, endurance, thought, a plan, people, persistence, structure, pain, faith, commitment, etc..... In reflecting on these things, I am reminded of the PROCESS that is taking place in my life. The process of SANCTIFICATION. The process of God molding me, shaping me, stretching me, breaking me, conforming me, bending me, and making me more like Him. It is nice to know that God is working in me and through me, but all those things that He is doing do not always feel so good. How many times have I become frustrated because of the way the process shows its face in my life? (The unexpected trials that arise from day to day, certain people that cross my path, the answers I must wait patiently for that arise, seeking out God's will for my life, the battle between the flesh and the spirit, dealing with other people's problems, serving others, etc....) At times I must say that it is really really hard to stay focused on the fact that all the things I endure and experience are for a PRODUCT that I cannot see. God sees the finished work. He is the Master Craftsman of my life.
O the process of things can be so daunting and stressful at times. O the joy that comes when all the hard work and time we have put into something is revealed in the finished product. The process is forgotten in a way and we rejoice in and enjoy the accomplishment of the product. What joy it brings to our God when we rejoice in Him for what He is doing in our lives. Yes, the process will hurt and require of us more than we may be willing to give or endure. But the hope and certainity that we have is that God is Sovereign and He knows what is best for us. All that He is trying to do through us and in us is for His Glory. I can think of so many times that I have bucked against the process because I thought it was too hard or did not suit my desires. How quickly I forget that the God of the PROCESS is also the God of the PRODUCT.
Though I may change, my environment may change, my friends change, those around me change, my circumstances change........God and God's love for me never changes.
Today, may you be reminded that God is in control and that today He is actively working in your life. How will you respond to that today?
"Philippians 4:11-13(NASB) Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

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