Monday, February 13, 2006


Today as I think of you, I know not who you are. I know not if you are close or if you are far away. I know not if I will ever meet you. Our paths may cross as strangers, our paths may cross as friends. If our paths never cross so that we may walk our paths together; then with that I am satisfied. For in this I will know that it was God's will for us not to meet. At times I wish you were here right now, but how can I wish for something that is not mine to have. For me to have you as a lifetime friend is not a right, but a privilege. I do not use my time longing for our paths to cross; for in longing, I am not being steward of the time God has given me. Wishing the best for you in all you experience is the desire of my heart. Remaining content with loving God in the state that I am in is what I must find sufficient. Whether I cross with you or not, to have walked the path God has for me is to have lived life to its fullest. To have walked with God in this life is a life that was lived complete whether the desires of my heart were fulfilled or not. Whether our paths cross or not, God is preparing my love and my heart with the fingerprints of His Word. In doing so, may my heart be ready for the footprints of joy impressed on it as we walk life's path together.

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