Friday, February 10, 2006

Getting from Monday to Friday

Constant are your footprints as I follow on this trail,
Stepping out by faith, hoping I do not fail.
You are my King and the Leader of my way,
Fascinated by your wisdom, seeking to find my stay.
I will follow you my King no matter what sea or shore,
For you are the purpose of my life, today and evermore.
Firmly you have stated the direction for my life,
Protecting me from foolishness and unnecessary strife.
What shall be the outcome of following my King,
I have given Him my heart, I try to give Him everything.
Footprints of my King, the passion of His heart,
May I do my best to stay true to both, and never from Him depart.
As you know, there is so much that happens during a week. The daily schedule of some is so full, you wonder how they have time to breathe. There is so much that happens in our life that is seen. Everyday as a Christian, there is so much going on underneath the facades that we carry. As peaceably as our faces shines, underneath there is a battle that constantly rages like one has never seen. Satan is constantly trying to get a foothold on some area of our life. He is going forth with reckless abandon trying to stir us from the path our King Jesus as placed us on.
It is comforting to know that God is constantly leaving His footprints on our life. Maybe those footprints come in the form of someone else, something we read in His Word, a sermon that we hear, a song that we hear, or just from the small still voice from our Father above. God works in all sorts of ways trying to keep the path clear and keep us steady. Those are the Footprints of a King. Constantly leading the way! Today, may you find peace in the fact that we follow and serve a wonderful King. He is not only our King, He is our Father and Friend..............

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