Monday, February 06, 2006


Who is this worn traveler that stands before me as if I should know him? There is a familiar image that brings back thoughts of memories I should remember. He speaks in a tone somewhat like my own but with a matured sternness. His words are selective, precise, and saturated with a tenderness of patience. The facade of his stature reveals that many inner battles have left there mark. He presses on with a diligence I only strive to have when there seems to be no motivation for the day. His time here on life's journey has been weighed, tested, and measured. Yet, his hope is stedfast in the Lord, whom he dedicated his life to years ago. When he speaks of his relationship with Christ, his voice quivers in order to hold back tears. There is a moment of silence as he stands there staring back at me.............
The quietness is broken as I voice my questions, "Who are you? Why do you seem so familiar?" The response I recieved left me speechless and with a renewed perspective of my life. His response to my heart felt questions went like this.....
"I am you. I am just a glimpse of the product of the big picture of God's plan for you. My life has been marred by the roadmarks of enduring circumstances and trials. It has not been easy. At times I have lost my way, but God was there to correct me. My travels have taken me on the mountaintop and through valleys. My heart has been stretched, broken, and mended back together. The wounds I attained have healed. The scars remain to remind me of what I have endured, but more importantly what God has accomplished. Remember, I am not the finished product, but only a glimpse of what God has done and is continuing in you.
I leave you with this: When the path becomes unclear.....TRUST. When the trials come...ENDURE. When your heart wants to run away....HOLD FAST. When tempatation arises.....FLEE. When your emotions cave in....LOOK UP. When loss visits your door.....RELFECT ON WHAT YOU HAVE IN CHRIST. When the battle of wants vs needs begins....GRASP CONTENTMENT. When you begin to close up....SERVE MORE. When you question why....HOLD TO THE TRUTH. When you feel torn, stretched, prodded, up and down, tired, unsure, tested......REMEMBER GOD IS STILL WORKING.........FOR YOU ARE A WORK IN PROGRESS.

1 comment:

Shyla said...

Hey T!
Saw you writing this one in church! :) Don't worry, I didn't peak other than at the title. Figured maybe we'd get to read it eventually! :)
You are an interesting individual T. A lot more layers to you than people think. I think Malcolm will call you Onion T instead of Uncle T (get it?? layers...??)LOL
Anyway, that was an interesting writing. I was trying to figure out what it was about while I was reading it and that was an interesting way to present him looking at himself. Clever. I liked it.
Thanks for sharing!
Shy (and Malcolm!)