Friday, February 24, 2006


Painful memories I have of the physical wounds inflicted on my body over the past thirty years of my life. I remember burning my arm while learning to iron for the first time.(I was trying to wactch Monday night football) Those don't mix too well. Of course I learned the hard way. I can remember knocking my front two teeth out after colliding with the coffee table. It was not pleasant. Then there is the time I slammed my thumb in the car door. That happened several times during my childhood. There is also the scar on my left hand I recieved while repelling from the rafters in the pavillion at camp. I was supposed to be Bible Man swinging down to save the day. I never made it to being Bible Man since I was wounded during practice. I ended up recieving eighteen stitches that night. Could not use my left hand for almost three months.
All the wounds I mentioned above, I did those myself while doing crazy and sometimes fun things. Those experiences have left scars that I can see every time I look in the mirror. I can never go back and change those experiences. I cannot remove the scars that are left. The most personal physical scars I have are located near my waist. They remind me of God's miraculous healing. When I was born, my kidneys and bladder were not functional. I was not supposed to make it pass age three. I had two major surgeries before I turned two. Every time I see those scars I wonder "What If". The first seventeen years of my life were spent in and out of the hospitals for checkups beyond count. Today, I am very healthy. You would never know of the pain and sickness unless you knew the scars like I do on me.
We can ponder all day on the physical scars that we have racked up over time. But the wounds and scars that hurt us the most at times is the emotional ones. Maybe you have lost a loved one. Maybe you have experienced heartache in a relationship. Maybe you were abused, or you have experienced so much lost you are fragile beyond imagination. Maybe you hold on to guilt or anger for the wounds you experienced in your life that you had no control over. Maybe you made some wrong decisions in your life. The guilt from the past is keeping you from living in the present. As a Christian, maybe the wounds have healed, but the scars keep you from moving on.
The pain from wounds we have experienced does pass away, but the memory stays. The scars that remain are left to remind us of: where we have come, what we have experienced, what we should do differently, we are not perfect, choices do have consequences, things to warn others of, things do happen that we cannot sometimes control, etc... We can respond to the wounds and scars that we have with anger, bitterness, guilt, lack of forgiveness, depression, but in doing so we will never move forward.
I confess that I have not always reponded the right way when I have experienced wounds that have cut me to the deepest part of my being. There are scars that you and I carry with us everyday that others cannot see. We carry them in the most secret place of our memories. When I begin to place too much focus on MY wounds and MY scars and MYself.......I am reminded of the wounds and scars my Savior took for me as He was crucified for me. There is no experience, no wound, no scar, that I will ever have to endure alone. God is always near. God knows what I feel. We cannot get so caught up in the past that we forget to live in the present. God is faithful! We have someting far more greater to look forward to. The things here we endure are only temporal compared to what we have to look forward to in eternity.
Revelations 21:4 says, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
Today, may you move forward focusing on what God is doing for you, what He has done for you, and what He can do for you today. Press on no matter what you may be experiencing today. With God nothing shall be impossible....Luke 1:37


Rising up again facing a brand new day,
Ready to go forth, not sure of my stay.
The rain has begun to pour, the future seems so drear,
I bow my heart and knee to God for He is always near.
At times the rain is heavy, weighing deeply on my heart,
Drowning me within trying to pull me apart.
In the midst of the storm, I seek for God who is my passion,
He then rains down on me His endless joy and compassion.
The storm is for the small and also for the great,
It plunders upon the path of the narrow and the path of the straight.
Storms come and go but one thing I know is true,
No matter how hard the storm may become, O God my hope is You!

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Your Blogging Type is Logical and Principled
You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog.And if someone doesn't what you write, you really don't care!Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Friday Morning Ponderings

Well good morning friends and visitors. Today I do not have a thought out post or poem to share. This morning I felt like I would just share what came to mind as I sit here at the computer. I just finished playing basketball this morning. Some of us guys from the church play at 6 a.m. (Mon, Wed, Fri). Yeah, call us crazy.
The winter wonderland we had going on up here in Pennsylvania is disappearing. It is raining this morning and is supposed to most of the weekend. It is still quite peaceful in a way. Speaking of peaceful, that is a thought that comes to mind. It is amazing what we will do for peace. We will plan our whole lives just for a glimpse of peace, sometimes not being able to experience it until we are retired. But sometimes then, our health is not good enough to enjoy it. From the time that man was born, there has been an emptiness that has driven him to fill it with something. What has man tried to fill that void with? Friends....they come and go. Riches.....they can be plenty today and gone tomorrow. A sucessful job....never know when that will disappear. Activities and never know if your health will be good enough to do all that you want. A dream house....what took so long to build can be burnt down in minutes. A huge grow up and start their own living your house empty.
So, all that man seeks to fill that void with is temporal. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have those things and experience those things. But when it comes down to it, they will all pass away. We will never be satisfied or filled unless we fill that void with Jesus. The eternal things of life are the things that fill that void and keep it filled. What are some eternal things you ask? Good question! Try seeking peace in the Promises of God's Word. God promises us abundant life if we give our lives to Him. If we trust and believe in Him for all things, we will never be left empty. Try seeking to depend on God for His Provision. Phillippians 4:19 says, "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Try seeking Peace in God and not just in temporal things of life. Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the Peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Try having a Passion for the things of God and not just the things that center around you. When it comes down to it, it is not about you it is all about HIM! God is the one in control whether you want to acknowledge that or not. He has the final answer. In the end, He will have the final word. Philippians 3:13-14 says, "Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do; forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Well, I guess that was a long thought on peace. But at times, I find myself seeking to be satisfied by things of this world that do not satisfy. Maybe for a short time, but then I find my self wanting. How sad is that when I can be completely satisfied in Christ. He promises and gives me so much, but then I find myself seeking what the world has to offer. Today may you be reminded of the: PROMISES OF GOD, THE PROVISION OF GOD, THE PEACE OF GOD, AND HAVE A PASSION FOR GOD. He will never let you down. Trust in Him till the end. May the Lord bless and keep you as you continue to seek and follow Him daily. Have a delightful day in the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 6:12
For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life? He will spend them like a shadow, For who can tell a man what will be after him under the sun?
The answer is ..............God!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Your sweet voice makes a lovely sound that only I can hear,
It brings a smile to my face and to my heart a joyful cheer.
I am in awe of your beauty that goes deeper than what others can see,
My eyes fastened on you my love and you so pleasantly.
Each passing moment with you, is like a peaceful song,
The tune is in my heart and head throughout the day so long.
Your precious spirit and your gracious actions join together in harmony,
Spreading excitement and encouragement like a joyful melody.
Your smile is like a sunrise that opens the door to a brand new day,
Stirring up expressions in my heart that I do not know how to say.
Moment by moment as I experience the warmth of your giving love,
It is like a smooth gentle breeze sent down from heaven above.
Everything you do and say is music only I can hear,
Drawing me closer and closer to you my love, O so very near.
I pray I never grow deaf to the music that you play,
But do all I can to show you my love today and everyday.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Today as I think of you, I know not who you are. I know not if you are close or if you are far away. I know not if I will ever meet you. Our paths may cross as strangers, our paths may cross as friends. If our paths never cross so that we may walk our paths together; then with that I am satisfied. For in this I will know that it was God's will for us not to meet. At times I wish you were here right now, but how can I wish for something that is not mine to have. For me to have you as a lifetime friend is not a right, but a privilege. I do not use my time longing for our paths to cross; for in longing, I am not being steward of the time God has given me. Wishing the best for you in all you experience is the desire of my heart. Remaining content with loving God in the state that I am in is what I must find sufficient. Whether I cross with you or not, to have walked the path God has for me is to have lived life to its fullest. To have walked with God in this life is a life that was lived complete whether the desires of my heart were fulfilled or not. Whether our paths cross or not, God is preparing my love and my heart with the fingerprints of His Word. In doing so, may my heart be ready for the footprints of joy impressed on it as we walk life's path together.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Getting from Monday to Friday

Constant are your footprints as I follow on this trail,
Stepping out by faith, hoping I do not fail.
You are my King and the Leader of my way,
Fascinated by your wisdom, seeking to find my stay.
I will follow you my King no matter what sea or shore,
For you are the purpose of my life, today and evermore.
Firmly you have stated the direction for my life,
Protecting me from foolishness and unnecessary strife.
What shall be the outcome of following my King,
I have given Him my heart, I try to give Him everything.
Footprints of my King, the passion of His heart,
May I do my best to stay true to both, and never from Him depart.
As you know, there is so much that happens during a week. The daily schedule of some is so full, you wonder how they have time to breathe. There is so much that happens in our life that is seen. Everyday as a Christian, there is so much going on underneath the facades that we carry. As peaceably as our faces shines, underneath there is a battle that constantly rages like one has never seen. Satan is constantly trying to get a foothold on some area of our life. He is going forth with reckless abandon trying to stir us from the path our King Jesus as placed us on.
It is comforting to know that God is constantly leaving His footprints on our life. Maybe those footprints come in the form of someone else, something we read in His Word, a sermon that we hear, a song that we hear, or just from the small still voice from our Father above. God works in all sorts of ways trying to keep the path clear and keep us steady. Those are the Footprints of a King. Constantly leading the way! Today, may you find peace in the fact that we follow and serve a wonderful King. He is not only our King, He is our Father and Friend..............

Monday, February 06, 2006


Who is this worn traveler that stands before me as if I should know him? There is a familiar image that brings back thoughts of memories I should remember. He speaks in a tone somewhat like my own but with a matured sternness. His words are selective, precise, and saturated with a tenderness of patience. The facade of his stature reveals that many inner battles have left there mark. He presses on with a diligence I only strive to have when there seems to be no motivation for the day. His time here on life's journey has been weighed, tested, and measured. Yet, his hope is stedfast in the Lord, whom he dedicated his life to years ago. When he speaks of his relationship with Christ, his voice quivers in order to hold back tears. There is a moment of silence as he stands there staring back at me.............
The quietness is broken as I voice my questions, "Who are you? Why do you seem so familiar?" The response I recieved left me speechless and with a renewed perspective of my life. His response to my heart felt questions went like this.....
"I am you. I am just a glimpse of the product of the big picture of God's plan for you. My life has been marred by the roadmarks of enduring circumstances and trials. It has not been easy. At times I have lost my way, but God was there to correct me. My travels have taken me on the mountaintop and through valleys. My heart has been stretched, broken, and mended back together. The wounds I attained have healed. The scars remain to remind me of what I have endured, but more importantly what God has accomplished. Remember, I am not the finished product, but only a glimpse of what God has done and is continuing in you.
I leave you with this: When the path becomes unclear.....TRUST. When the trials come...ENDURE. When your heart wants to run away....HOLD FAST. When tempatation arises.....FLEE. When your emotions cave in....LOOK UP. When loss visits your door.....RELFECT ON WHAT YOU HAVE IN CHRIST. When the battle of wants vs needs begins....GRASP CONTENTMENT. When you begin to close up....SERVE MORE. When you question why....HOLD TO THE TRUTH. When you feel torn, stretched, prodded, up and down, tired, unsure, tested......REMEMBER GOD IS STILL WORKING.........FOR YOU ARE A WORK IN PROGRESS.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


We all at one time or another have been in need of encouragement or just something or someone to give us a lift. Maybe we have been down for no reason at all. Maybe you felt like you had no reason to smile. Just as these thoughts passed through your mind, God seemed to allow that special person to stop by and share a blessing. Maybe someone passed you and just gave a smile, or that friend you you have not seen in a while stops in and brightens your day. The people that we come in contact with; God has allowed for a reason. We should treasure those moments we spend with them. At those most needful times, God sends those special people to share a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, or just their presence. So when you are feeling down, keep your head up. Look for that special person or instead, be that special person. It will change your day.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Quick Morning Thought

"It is an unchangeable law of God that those who are content with anything less than what they know to be right in the sight of God will sooner or later come to ruin."
As I ponder that thought this morning, I am intrigued by the persistence of my enemy that meets me the second I open my eyes. He calls me friend and walks with me wherever I go. Day by Day, moment by moment he is there providing counsel in all the decisions I have to make each day. You may know my enemy, his name is "Flesh". I know, it is a strange name, but a name he has had for a very very long time. I must say that none of his counsel has been wise or helpful in any way. Of course I must say that I have chosen his counsel at times as I am sure you have to. He likes to prod in the area of the battle between what I am content in doing what is right and what I know to be wrong.
Today as I carry on about my daily business, I go forth by faith in my Lord Jesus Christ who is also always with me. I pray that as you go forth today that you will remember to grow a deaf ear to our enemy "Flesh". Remember that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied with what He has given us, how He has made us, where He has put us, and what He is going to do with us. So though our battle with the "Flesh" may continue day by day. God has already won the war! Go on with faith and strive for those things that have an eternal sustenance. That is where contentment is found....In Christ!
"Philippians 4:6-8"
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatsoevr things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.