Sunday, January 28, 2007


(By: Tyararr J. Jones)
I hear your voice O God, below the waves of countless grumblings and lies of this world.
Your gentle touch finds me restless and eager for that something else that beckons me relentlessly.
Lead me O God, to the revealings of what that something is.
It robs me not of sleep, but shares the chair with the anxiousness of my heart.
I quietly and softly walk close behind You as You lead the way.
The hand of darkness grasps at my feet that I might lose my way on this path You lead.
Comfort drowns me as I bask in your presence that sustains me and picks me up from the fall of my choices.
You, O God, are the quiet amidst the echoes of my searching heart.
You, O God, are the completeness to spots of void left by my temporary pleasures.
You, O God, are the peace in the daily battle between my flesh and spirt.
You, O God, are the foundation of my faith.
You, O God, are the smile that my heart needs at that special moment of my day.
You, O God, are the reason I get up when I fall.
You, O God, are the compass of my life.
You, O God, are the source of my restrain.
You, O God are the giver of my breath.
You, O God, are the giver and taker of what I have experienced.
You, O God, are the wisdom of my thoughts.
You, O God, are the healer of my heart.
You, O God, are are the quiet voice that calls out to me when I feel alone.
You, O God, are the friend that hears me, speaks to me, knows me, accepts me, understands me, loves me, forgives me, sustains me, guides me, protects me, and daily carries me.
You, O God, are the stillness of my restless thoughts and unsettled heart.
You, O God, are the quiet that I daily seek and the want I will always find. For you are always near.

1 comment:

Shyla said...

welcome back TT!! I thought for sure that you got cut off from the outside world again! It was great talking to you today! We are praying with you. Peace out cub scout!