Tuesday, May 20, 2008


By: Jones/Piccirillo
O Lord, Have you not spoken or am I deaf to your voice?
Tune my heart to your sweet promises and my actions to making the right choice.
Make me sensitive to the reflection of beauty in the handiwork of creation,
Purge me through the filter of righteous recreation.
Teach me to listen to the gentle whispers of your pleasant voice,
Knowing that where they lead me, I will get the molding of your choice.
Allow me to feel the safety of your presence everywhere I go,
Guiding and showing me all that you wish for me to know.
Gird up the loins of my mind that my affections remain set on thee,
Set my eyes on the Holy standard of what I need to faithfully be.
Allow me not to get caught up with the pressures of this earth,
But help me stick to the standards of my cherished, new rebirth.
Satisfy my longing for fellowship that is pure and divine,
Keep me wrapped in blessed peace wihch is holy thine.
I desperately want to hear every word you have to say,
Teach me O Lord what you want and help me to obey.
I don't want to take for granted the words that you have shared,
So, thank you God for all that you've given and for how much you've cared.

1 comment:

Bekah Jo said...

This is a gret poem T. I think it has been forever since I read your stuff.