Thursday, June 21, 2007


By: Tyararr J. Jones
The silence presents itself after this storm which has bombarded me with its weary rain.
How precious the smile of a young lad whose pain has been comforted by his loving mother.
Refreshing is the warmth brought about by the aroma of friendship and sweet fellowship.
O the sweet joy of quality and quantity of time spent with the one who brings a sweet savour of beauty that is for you and you alone.
The music of expression unveils itself though restrained at times by countless facades.
Shadows of forgotten memories experienced in the twilight of stillness and reflection; rising to and fro upon heights of contemplation.
Rays of sunshine beaming down upon my lost steps which question my drive and purpose to be more than the man that stares back at me with no aspiration.
The peace which lies at the feet of my future, known and held by my loving Master; waiting for me at the end of my journey's song.
Sweet gems of beauty set along my path, drawing me from the grasp of the nearby darkness.
The present melodies of my life's song grow louder with anticipation as my heart quietly ponders the sonnets of promise sealed in lines of truth.


Anonymous said...

Its a tender poem but the higher road to take is if you would save such expressions for your wife.

Guard your heart for her.

Anonymous said...

The above thought was for Ponderings, When She Walked By.