Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Walking through this life being showered with pain,
Encouraged by God's Word, there is peace in the rain.
Lost in the flow, burdened by the strain,
Focus on Christ, there is peace in the rain.
Emotions are overwhelming, but then you refrain,
Standing on God's promises, there is peace in the rain.
Actions speak loud and hard to maintain,
Live to please God, there is peace in the rain.
Eyes full of tears, plans have crumbled down the drain,
Prayers lifted up to God, there is peace in the rain.
The race is hard to run, time is like a ball and chain,
Sweet thoughts of heaven, there is peace in the rain.
Knowing God is a precious treasure, having Him is a priceless gain,
When plundered by the storms of life, remember there is peace in the rain.
Can you see me in the sunshine
Can you see me in the rain
I am the God who bares your pain
I am the God who makes the rain

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