Thursday, September 22, 2005

End Of The Day Thoughts

It is Thursday night and I have decided to just share my thoughts as they come to mind. Usually, I have everything written out before posting anything. I would just like to randomly share some questions, thoughts, and hopefully words of encouragement to those who may read this.
Why is it that when a person's title of postion changes to a higher level; they sometimes change the way they treat certain people? A title will change the quality level of our position, but it should not change the quality of how we treat people. If I am wearing a suit, or wearing jeans and a t-shirt; I should be the same person. I should treat people equally.
Right now I am still waiting for the Lord to open a door of full time ministry for me to enter. To carry out this waiting process I am working part time doing a job that I had not planned on doing at this point in the year. At times I have referred to this waiting as being in "limbo" or just lost. Rebuked I have been in my quiet time in the Lord as He has reminded me that His Timing is not my timing. His Ways are higher than my mundane ways. Where I am right now, the position I am in right now, is where God wants me. I would rather be in the Hands of God doing what I don't want than doing what I want and not being in His will. For in His Hands, there is always peace.
Why is it that the same people always volunteer in church to do the things that need to be accomplished? Why is it that those in leadership always seem to take advantage of those that never say no to a new task? Why is it that there are so many lazy, apathetic, unloving Christians sitting on the sideline watching other people do everything? Why is it that Christians are afraid to open up and share with other Christians in small group studies? Why is it that social status seems to be more important in church than the single mindedness we should have in Christ as believers? Why is it that independent, fundamental, Baptist, Bible believing churches are not as diverse ethinically in their pews as other denomination? Just a few questions to ponder.
As we pause at the end of each day, what really matters to us? What truly keeps us motivated for another day? Seriously, what do we really value the most in our life? As a Christian, what it should boil down to at the end of each day.....................

What is my RELATIONSHIP like with God today? Is it real? Am I being real or just living another day with a facade?
I would like to end with this thought that I once heard from a Professor. "What I think about God and what I believe about God, is how I live."

1 comment:

Shyla said...

Hey TT!!
WOW! Rough day! Well, I can honestly say that it is assuring that there is peace when we are resting in the Lord! You posed some thought provoking questions...not uncommon at all. We'll dish sometime! I'll see you around! Nate will love the conversation this will spark at the dinner table!
See ya friend,