Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Treasure Of Our Thanksgiving

We gather today as family, friends, acquaintances, strangers and countrymen. We have gathered today each in our own distinct way to celebrate that which has come by the way of priceless sacrifice. The reward for those who have given their lives before us is the trophy of freedom which we hold close to our hearts. May we not forget, nor neglect the memory of those whose blood once flowed in the valleys and fields of which now represent places of solitude and rest.
Today, let us put aside our differences that we may help those that are in need. May we help those that cannot help themselves. May we help those who cannot see, to see the gift today we embrace. Today there will be those that will unlock the chains to the doors of their heart that they may share the love which they have bound so long. There will be those who will harness their pride and hate because they have not experienced which we gladly proclaim today. May we lift the blinds of our eyes that we may see people for who they are and not for what we perceive them to be. We must lift the shades of our hearts that the love we show have not respector of persons. We must open our minds so we may clearly reflect on the countless steps that have led us to the peak of the ladder of our independence.
Committment, faith, honesty, courage, wisdom, fervency, sacrifice, and iniative are but a few of the characteristics that have flowed from the veins of our past leaders. They were not unordinary, but ordinary people that strove for that which burned in their hearts. It was a burning that was passed from heart to heart until it was quenched by the river of independence that we experience today. Sadly, though we celebrate and give thanks for our country and our freedom; our homes, cities, states, country, and our hearts are still bound by our wicked sinful desires.
There are many today that are standing thankful as free Americans and as Christians, no longer bound by sin. To whom do they owe their thanks? His name is Jesus. His death broke sins's shackles and His resurrection quenched death's sting. Christ loved us so much that He died for us so we may have freedom from sin. No, like others who have died, He was not an ordinary man. He was and is the Son of Man. He is the Son of God!

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