Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Words of Wisdom from the Sandbox

Topic: Standing In The Face Of Trying Circumstances

Questions to Consider:
What is my response when I am faced with trials I am not ready to face?
What is my response when I realize that the trials I am facing are bigger than I am?
What is my response to life in general when different things appear on my path of life that i have never imagined?
Am I being faithful in responding Biblically to trials and circumstances that I experience?

What are some negative responses to trying circumstances?
I do not deserve this, I am a good person
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Life just seems to always deal me a bad hand
I am going to be angry and bitter at life and the world in general
There is no reason to live anymore
I cannot handle this
If I had this or that, things would be so much better

What does the Bible say? (I Peter 1:1-7,4:12-14,19)
Keep our hope in the Lord - 1:3
We are kept by the power of God - 1:5
Rejoice - 1:6,8 4:13
Remember trials are temporary in light of eternity -1:6
The trying of your faith is more profitable than riches - 1:7
Christ suffered and endured trying circumstances -4:1,13
Keep your faith -4:19

Food for Thought:
We never know when it will be our time to experience a trial or circumstance that pushes us to the edge. Life is not all about having a good time and fulling your desires to their utter end. Life is not all about pleasure. There is another side of the coin.


Daniel Zapata said...

Mr Jones that is good stuff !! I am proud of you !!

Shyla said...

Hey T! This is a great idea! I am looking forward to reading these. Words of wisdom from the sandbox is definitely something that i needed to be challenged with this morning. It is a good reminder that things aren't always going to be rosey in my life and that even if they aren't - it's not the end of the world!! These are all things that we know but sometimes the truth gets lost between our minds and our hearts. These are such elementary things that we should be practising. Sometimes it's easier to get wrapped up in the bigger theologocal issues of life when what we (I) really need to do is focus on the small precious truths that the Lord has promised to us in His word. His mercies ARE new every morning!