Wednesday, March 14, 2012


By: Tyararr J. Jones

Released from the bondage of staying between man made temporary lines
Refreshed by the pursuit of what is right, honest, and divine.
No longer shackled by the ignorance and misconceptions of those who are supposed to lead,
Questioning my every motive, word, effort, and righteous deed.
Early I rise only to bow on bended heart and weary knee,
Grasping for perseverance, hope, strength, peace, and humility.
Oh the daily reminder of not relying on the knowledge and wisdom of well meaning man,
The stumbling through ignorance, small minds, closed focus and undiscerning plans.
The journey of my life continues to lead me on paths I do not understand,
God is faithful in His leading and timing, comforting me with His hand.
This peace in which I hold a priceless gift from above,
I treasure in heart and mind, stamped with my gratitude and love.

1 comment:

Catie said...

Hey, you don't know me.
I randomly came across your blog and I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this post. :)
