Tuesday, August 23, 2011



By:Tyararr J. Jones

In this day and age we must take heed where we stand,

Are you truly a child of God and resting in His hand?

We have been called to follow a cause that is greater than anything we will ever face,

Promised to have exactly what we need if we truly follow God and stay faithful to the race.

Oh how often we live our lives based so shallow only to how we feel,

Living miserably in our guilt from day to day, drained of our desire to serve Him with zeal.

We half-heartedly gaze into God's Word, the true revealing mirror to how we are livin,

Missing out on the true purpose of our existence and this temporary life we have been givin.

Do we surround ourselves only with those who accept us for the wrong that we do,

Or those who acknowledge the good and the bad and challenge us to live Godly and true?

As we reflect back on our life and evaluate the closeness of our spiritual walk,

Can we honselty say that in public and private, our walk matches our talk?

We will never have true peace if we continue to run our lives based only on how we feel and what we think is right,

For God has created us for a spiritual purpose to live by faith and not by sight.

As Christians, we have comfort and strength as we strive to be real and do what is right,

May we press on in this spiritual battle and continue in the fight.

In this day and age we must not run from the voice of truth and the path that is good,

May we stay faithful to our heavenly cause for Christ and doing the things we should.

P.s. Press on this day and week striving to be real. There is no need to pretend to be something that you are not. No matter your vocation or what you do, you are to be a Christian first. Whether you are at a christian college, christian ministry, secular job, secular school,...you have a responsibility to be a witness and live Christ to those around you. What matters right now is living for Christ and sharing Christ and living Christ with those around you. No matter where you are in your walk with the Lord, strive for more. Give Christ your best right now. You were created in His glory, for His glory. There is nothing greater than seeing the children of God, filled with the spirit of God, doing the will of God, led by the power of God, living for the glory of God. Keep pressing on!!!

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