Tuesday, January 18, 2011


by: Tyararr J. Jones

You give me reason to sing Your praise and allow You to be the tune of my heart.

Instead, I cling to the tunes of the world and mimic my life through someone's song from a temporary mindset.

You promise and show me unconditional love beyond what I deserve that is true and eternal.

Instead, I crave the temporary stints of lust or passions that only cling to me for what they can get from me.

You promise me continual forgiveness and grace for my daily sins which flow from my wicked heart.

Instead, I at times float in my guilt and use that as an excuse to continue in my sin.

You have chosen me for a purpose that is eternal, above what I could ask or think; I am a child of Yours to serve you out of devotion, not duty.

Instead, I choose to serve my own purpose and be a slave to my emotions and passions to fulfill my flesh daily.

You provide for me daily gifts and blessings beyond my comprehension even when I do not seek You.

Instead, I open my heart and arms to the temporary pleasures of the world only to walk away dissatisfied.

You redeemed me by your blood on the Cross of Calvary.You bore the penalty of my sin.

Instead, I waste my time forgetting that my time here on earth is short. I should be redeeming my time because the days are evil.

You love me more than I can comprehend, You call to me daily reminding me of my true purpose.

Instead, I give in to my flesh and turn my back on what I know is right and those who encourage me to do right.

You faithfully, daily provide for me what I need to continue in the fight against sin and the temporary pleasures of my heart that seek to overtake me.

O God, please help me to fight today and to quit pulling away from you but walk toward You. For You are my Rock, my Help, my Peace, my Hope, my Strong Tower, my Salvation, my All. I shall press on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a description of my life, I tend to replace the things of God that will last forever and bring the most satisfaction and joy, with the things of this world, maybe because I can see the immediate results. But the awesome thing is that even when I reject the blessings of God and choose the worlds's way...He is there to receive me with open arms when I realize that i'm empty, lost and completely far away from him. Even when I just want to be called His servant, He embraces me as His child!
I need this reminder everyday!