Tuesday, September 28, 2010


By: Tyararr J. Jones
O Lord, renew my mind, this vessel in which you find a mess,
Give me strength for this day as I battle against the flesh.
Refresh my broken heart O God as I journey along the way,
Purge the longing of my soul, renew the joy of my day.
Give me ears of discernment, fill my cup to love those hard to love,
Merge my song to the tune of heaven, feed me with your promises from above.
Firm the ground where I stand, though alone it may sometimes be,
Keep my focus on the prize, keep Heaven on my heart O so vividly.
Thank you for meeting me here with bended heart on bended knee.
Continue to steer the reins of my heart and conform this weary soul to thee.
Thank you Lord for directing me to seek You and go hard for what is right,
May I meet you here again unceasingly as I press on in the fight.


Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to search on the net, only your site open up the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.

- Laura

Anonymous said...

If i choose to obey and follow God, would God lead a woman into my life? If not, would i be truly happy alone?

Tyararr J. Jones said...

If you are asking me for a resposne to your question then my answer is: I don't know what God will do. Should I only obey God only to enjoy His things? Or should I obey God out of devotion and not out of devotion. As a fellow single man, I have prayed and longed for God to lead a woman into my life. He has not done so. I do not obey God because I expect something from HIm. He has already given me more than I deserve. I am and have been happy being single. If God chooses to allow me the privilege to have a wife, then that will only add to the happiness I have already in my relationship with Christ. This is defintiely a mindset and heart that has take time to develop to this point.

(Ri)Charmed said...


Tyararr J. Jones said...

Hey (Ri)charmed! How are you my friend? Thanks for the "like" :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking out loud but definitely appreciate your thoughts. Thank you