Monday, February 11, 2008


By: Tyararr J. Jones
It seems like yesterday that I first glanced upon your precious face,
Wishing that you and I were standing in common place.
The sweet aroma of your fellowship and pleasant melody of your voice,
Longing to be in your presence is my daily choice.
Quick glances of your smile and anticipation of conversation,
Each memory of you is a delighful presentation.
The expression of my heart is revealed through ink and pen,
Pondering upon the past and how refreshing times were then.
You are remembered as a song, so sweet to be heard,
You have my heart and the promise of spoken word.
Thankful you were a visitor to my path and to my heart,
Wishing that distance did not drive us apart.
I am a holder of the memories of your beauty and your song,
Singing tunes of your name during the days that are long.
A recipient of my focus and the object of my love,
Giving thanks for you daily to my loving Father above.
Remembrance is a gift, the experience was a pleasure,
The time spent with you was a priceless treasure.
You are a highlight of reflection and a reminder for me to smile,
A reminder to press forward and with my heart go an extra mile.

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