Tuesday, January 15, 2008


By: Tyararr J. Jones
From hidden corners of isolation, silence finds it voice,
Whispering to deafened ears, the response is a crucial choice.
Choice and consequence join hand in hand with a persistent fervent plea,
The outcome can be a mystery or sometimes very easy to see.
Crossing the fence of desire and the true value of your soul,
Chastened by the beckoning that desires to make you whole.
Drift not away from the beckoning and the message that it shares,
Bringing peace, hope, and love from the One who really cares.
Respond now with haste while heart and mind can hear,
Step forth with humility and put aside your fear.
From the God of all Creation and the source of the beckonining that is near,
Come to him with trust and experience a true life of love, and cheer.

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