Sunday, October 29, 2006


By: Tyararr J. Jones
What makes you tick, you that walks by as shy?
Where comes the confidence that hides behind your eye?
Your stature is strong though gentle from within.
I desire to know you, may I come in?
Who is this man that is silent in speech, though vocal in mind?
His stare is stealth, his actions are kind.
You walk forth with peace, though battles rage aloud.
Deaf you are to the hacklers of the crowd.
Your expression has no door, your face is constant in its state.
It is hard to know what you carry on your plate.
Who is this man that is a stranger to those around his walls?
Is your stability gained from the pressure?
You speak in riddles, yet revealing more than I know.
You seem so distant, though your friends are close to your heart.
Shall I ever understand you?

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