Friday, July 28, 2006


Since becoming a Christian over twenty years ago, I have embarked on an interesting journey while living the Christian walk. Trusting in an all knowing, all powerful God to direct me along a path which is sometimes hard to see can be and is quite challenging. There have been many boisterous obstacles along the way that have sought to hinder my steps. At times I have rushed these obstacles with the faith that God is going to show me something I have never seen. Other times I have with lack of faith, begged God to remove these obstacles that at times look unconquerable.
During my Christian life I have sought to stay faithful to the road that God has placed me on. At times I have approached different paths along this journey, uncertain of the outcome of my choices. This is where the phrase "living by faith" becomes more than just words. For the past eleven summers I have chosen the road to work at a camp ministering to college age and young kids. I am now standing at the beginning of a new path which will take me out of my comfort zone of camp and into the classroom. I will be teaching five classes everyday. Challenging, frightening, and anxious are some of the adventrous descriptions that come to mind when pondering my new path.
God is faithful and I know that He knows what is best for me. He knows me better than I know myself. I know that He has already gone before me preparing the way. Now, all I have to do is follow and trust Him that He is going to help me through it. There is a thought that continues to float through my mind as I ponder my journey. There have been many times that my friends have changed, my environment has changed, my ministry has changed, I have changed, and my paths have changed. Through all these changes, God and God's love for me has never changed. With that thought and promise always in my mind and heart, there is no reason for me to doubt when God says go; even if that means doing that which I really do not want to do. Living and walking by faith in God requires obedience. Putting aside my desires so that God's will can be fulfilled and accomplished in my life. It is not about me, but all about Him.


ashley said...

Thank you for that reminder of the great, unchangeable God we have! I know you'll do a great job teaching and know you'll have a great impact on all those high school kids! Just try not to strangle them when they get annoying=) Hope to see ya soon!

Traci said...

Hey T, you will make a wonderful teacher!!!! Those students are going to love you! The first couple of days can be challenging, but it doesn't take long for everything to fall right into place, especially with God in control - like you said. If I can be a teacher, anyone and I mean ANYONE can. I absolutely loved it and would love to go back to it eventually. You'll be great, but we'll still be praying for you!

Shyla said...

hey t!
back from my travels and popped in to see how things were with your move. We were grateful to have this last year to spend time with you and are excited for you in your new ministry and also to hear allof your fun stories...did you have any rose petals leading to your bedroom!!?? LOL Talk to you later friend!
shy and nate

Jocelyn Pagano said...


Where does you new ministry take you?