Sunday, July 02, 2006


How do I view creation? Do I stand in awe? Captivated in thought with things I have never seen. The splendor of such things causes me to sing. Creation is the music to the song of beauty which God created. The love that we share with one another is only a short breath of the love that God is. Peace is only a jewel of the true treasure that lies in its Creator. Is the creation of greater use than its Creator? For at some point, that which was created will lose its glamour, but does that rob it of its true value? That which is created lies prey to temporal sustenance. The Creator is eternal, for whether He is acknolwedged or not He shall not lose His glory. The Creator(God) is and always shall be. That which has no beginning or end is not bound by what man vlaues. When we glory more in creation than in its Creator; we lose sight of the true source of eternal substance and sustenance. Therefore leaving us as men who are forever wanting.