Sunday, March 03, 2013


By: Tyararr J. Jones

When the tune God has given you to dance to is not accepted by those you thought you could trust...God is there!
When the clouds of trial darken the bright start to your day...God is there!
When your face becomes weak because of the facade you wear as if everything is okay...God is there!
When friend becomes foe, stranger becomes friend, family becomes distant...God is there!
When strength has failed, zeal is depleted, and joy is gasping for an anchor...God is there!
When leadership is lacking, ignorance has a mouth and feet...God is there!
When your heart is broken, love betrayed, and your trust has no hand to hold...God is there!
When your prayers seem faint, your mind is not still and your pieace is lost...God is there!
When you have strayed from your faith, turned your back on what you know is right...God is there!
When you have been beaten down to your knees, the battle seems unbearable, and you fear whether to rise up one more time...God is there!
When you have been tossed aside, forgotten, overlooked, and you feel like no one cares...God is there!
When you have no hand to hold, no one to embrace, no one to whom you can sing...God is there!
When the rage inside seems hard to restrain, you have no more tolerance of the hurt and the pain...God is there!
When you wonder why you press on, why you should love the unlovable, care for those who have not cared for you, listen to others when you need the listening ear...God is there!
Before you utter the words, have the thought, express your feelings, experience what you endure...God was already there!!
.....PRESS ON!

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