By: Tyararr J. Jones
O Lord purge this dying vessel from the filth that is within,
As I daily battle for control on the dangerous brink of sin.
Victory's hand seems oh so fleeting as I contend for where I stand,
Longing to bend the knee as I submit to your command.
Break the chains of my will so from sin I may be restrained,
Push me toward your reflection that I in your presence may be contained.
Cleanse this wicked man from within and also from without,
That I may press forward by faith and not by clouds of doubt.
I covet the calm and peace that whispers before the pouring rain,
The refreshment and release after one has been removed from inner pain.
Help others to see I am not invincable or unemotional to the voice of sin's plan,
But I am just striving to be real and to be God's obedient man.