Monday, November 06, 2023


 *God provided the job we have that we sometimes put before Him.         


 *God gave us life to experience today that we may only give Him a few minutes of because we're too busy.                                                

*God gave us a roof over our head but we seldom invite others under it for hospitality, to show love or to shelter them.                                

*God gave us our good health that we often use for ourselves and pleasure but seldom to serve others.                                             

*God gave you the children you have but you communicate better with your phone than you do with them face to face. 

*God has blessed you with a successful business but you care more about the money your business makes than the slavation of those who work for you and with you. 

*God gave you friends but are they only a means to an end when you need something or do you genuinely communicate with them and value them?

*God is trying to speak to us but we don't open His Word, we rather listen to the message of music that doesn't celebrate God, or we ignore the people speaking truth and encouragement into our life.                                                  

*God gave us the families we have but we are not unified by the things that truly matter.                    

*God made us in His image to spread His glory and experience His grace, But we spend more time in the front of a shallow mirror trying to impress others rather than kneeling before the mirror of His Word.                           

*God loves us unconditionally and it is because of Him that we are able to love those in our lives. How are we sharing that love?         

*God is the controller of time and the time in which He has given us here on earth. What are we doing with it? Is it all about us?                  

*God gave us the talents and intellect we have. Are we using it to boast ourselves or to make His name known and help others?          

*God gave us the ability to speak, write, type, etc. How are we using that ability to benefit others?            

*God is the King of Glory, Creator, Elohim, Deliverer, King Of Kings, Judge, Love, Forgiver, Holy, Hearer of our prayers, Just, Sovereign.....What will be our response to the One that created us as we live out this day? 

As we evaluate where we are in our life, have we moved away from God in our relationship or toward Him. 

Do we only cry out to Him when we're not happy or things don't go our way? 

As we pause to think about God today...........May (WE) Press On and put our focus on the King! 🙂

T. Jones (#amanunderconstruction)

#God #BeGenuine #GodKnowsYourHeart #BeKind

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Life That Matters

 The Life That Matters

By: Tyararr J. Jones

How do you view yourself, the person in the mirror staring back at you,

The one that things he knows what is best and knows who he is to be and what do do?

Whos is more important, the rich or the poor, 

Is it the one with no direction or the one with ambition and always strives for more?

What is your view of others through the ever changing lens through which you see,

Do you see color, economic status, a soul, a threat, or do you see someone equal to you and breathes the same air as thee?

Does your life have a purpose or were you just a senseless thought of accumulation?

Just another person seeking a vocal platform to sound off some temporary declaration.

How do you view your neighbor, not just the people that live close to your home,

But the people that walk past your daily and whom upon this earth also roam?

The people you choose to love, do they only look like you,

Do they talk, walk, think like you and support all the things you do? 

Whose life is more important?, is the question our culture has tossed about,

Everyone fighting for a voice, pushing and shoving and arguing for the most clout.

Do we understand that we were created in the image of God?

That one group of people should not be raised above another and receive all human applaud.

We came into this world with nothing and the first thing given was a name,

We will leave this world with nothing and in eternity will have nothing in possession to claim.

Every person we see has value, for Jesus died for all people on the Cross,

When we view or treat others less than ourselves then we are the ones that truly suffer loss.

Jesus' life on earth is the life that most mattered above all men,

For He is the One that truly matters now and He truly mattered then.

Jesus died for all men, bore their sin and was buried in a grave,

He arose again three days later, conquered death that all men may be saved. 

If we would practice loving like Jesus and start seeing people beyond the color of their skin, 

We would see that what we all have in common is we all have a problem with sin.

The diversity of one's color is not a reflection of the character in which they contain,

We should be more quick to love and forgive and in our anger restrain.

What life truly matters is the question we must daily ask,

Loving others and Speaking Truth should be our daily task.

We may stand divided now and fight daily trying to be as one,

One day we will all bow and confess that Jesus is the Son.

As we arise daily and open our eyes to face the new challenges of the day;

May we strive to love each person and listen with our ears and heart to what they truly have to say.

Many people have died, but not all truly live, 

The joy of both cannot be experienced until to God your life you fully give. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016


By: Tyararr J. Jones
Seasons come and go. The timing we cannot control. But be discerning of those you allow to sit close to your soul. We are not just to sit and wait but stay active through the season. For what the Lord allows along the journey is for a divine reason. How often things and people change as the seasons of life lead us along the way, may we find rest and seek the Lord as we experience each new day. There are times to just sit and think and times to walk and wander, but may our words, actions, and attitudes always reflect our Jesus who doesn't allows us to far sqaunder. Press on along the journey and embrace obedience, patience, and love. For one day your season will bring you face to face with God our Father above.  

Thursday, June 02, 2016


by: Tyararr Jones

The loud jeers of the journey and the
heckling from the hassles of the day,
Cause me to steer from the path and beckon
more for the return of the Messiah, my joy my stay.
O the chants from the enemy who
comes before me with many faces,
He creeps about in my desires and thoughts
and lingers in my secret places.
In the silence of my pondering within my 
heart, the battle of wrong vs right,
Weariness grasps at my vigor, faith, hope,
my joy; wanting me to give up in the fight.
The posture of my mind, heart, and knees strive for 
union to God in peace and humility,
Relying not on my own strength, wisdom,
and knowledge and God given ability.
The road of my journey has led to instances of joy,
disappointment, growth, heartache and blame,
But the light to my path has been God's Word, and 
relying fully in the sovereignty of Jesus' name.
My brothers and sisters, take heart though your faith and 
character are being tried, 
You walk not alone in the fury, for Jesus is constantly 
at work and faithfully by your side.
O the breaking of the dawn, the early 
rising to find my stay,
We must not lose heart in the struggle or lose hope,
for Jesus is the Creator of the day.
I press on wit ha confidence that is familiar
but is not my own,
Embracing the scriptures of God and the many Truths
I have been shown.
Though the voices in my life grow silent and my spirit 
feels broken and at a loss,
May I stand, contend, fight, strive, press on, and 
stay the course as I daily embrace the Cross.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


What if we decided to actually live Biblically. As I ponder my own stumblings and down sittings, and the countless conversations I’ve had with strangers, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, etc.; my heart and mind bow humbly in conversation.
**We complain about our broken and struggling relationships…But how often do we go into relationships not seeking some temporary happiness but rather to love genuinely and  honor God and help that person fulfill what they were created to do. (Glorify God)
**We say that we don’t feel loved or walk around in anger because we don’t feel loved…But did we quit thinking of ourselves for a moment today to reach out to someone else in love? Jesus’ love for us is everlasting. His love for us isn’t based on our mood.
**We say that our hearts are not at peace and we’re not sure what the next step is we are to take…But we neglect the Prince of Peace daily, neglecting His Word, and trusting in our own wisdom and understanding. In doing so, peace will be fleeting.
**We say that we love Jesus…But everything we did today sang a song of selfishness and boasting self. Did we speak His name with our lips?
**We boast about how great God is…But we live our lives at times as if the greatest and best of life is right here, right now. No, the best is yet to come. Jesus is coming back.
**We have been Christianized through Christian schools, camps, bible studies, programs, Sunday School stories in our knowledge of Christ…but living as a Christian (Christ-like)(Biblically) seems like a distant fairytale in the society we live in. Don’t give up!
**We don’t like to be called out on the wrong, dumb things we do and choices we make…But we are quick to blame our reason for not going to church or living as we should on the hypocrites that are out there. “Life is choices, Choices have consequences, make the right choices.”
**We will lay down tonight feeling as if our day was unfulfilling…Each day that goes by and we don’t obey God’s daily will and we focus on ourselves, we will feel empty. All we have is temporary.
**We are broken, hurt, discouraged, weak, selfish, impatient, in need; trying to fix ourselves by listening to the world’s logic(do what feels good, you deserve whatever you want)…God’s hands created us and only His hands can mend our lives in the way they should be.
**We complain about the tune of our lives and the different notes we don’t care for…But we must understand that the tune God has for our lives is best for us. When we walk with Him in Obedience, we will experience a harmony of fellowship like none other.
**Can you picture God and Satan singing together in harmony? No, me either. That seems ludicrous even thinking about it. So why do we live as if we can live in Harmony trying to live for Christ but bask in the things of the world? Choose your tune carefully. The last note of our life here is bound in eternity. Press On!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


By: Tyararr J Jones

What's on my mind? Well my Father woke me up this morning. My Father went before me today preparing my day for me. Not sure what all lies ahead, but my Father told me He would walk with me along the way. My heart is burdened for some dear friends of mine, but my Father told me not to worry because He has a plan for them and will take care of it. I told my Father that my heart and mind are still not settled at this place of my journey and He said, "Of course you're not settled, You're not home yet." I asked my Father how will I get through my busy long day. He asked me to tell Him who created the day.(You did God) I asked my Father why I should keep seeking after and loving the people that come to mind even if they never answer or get back on track. He told me to tell Him how He responds when I get off track and don't respond. (Father, you keep loving me and seeking after me no matter how long) I asked my Father what I should do to help me stay more constant along my journey. He said to keep having conversations like this everyday humbly and honestly. By the way Tyararr, yes Father? PRESS ON!