Sunday, March 22, 2015


By: Tyararr J Jones

What's on my mind? Well my Father woke me up this morning. My Father went before me today preparing my day for me. Not sure what all lies ahead, but my Father told me He would walk with me along the way. My heart is burdened for some dear friends of mine, but my Father told me not to worry because He has a plan for them and will take care of it. I told my Father that my heart and mind are still not settled at this place of my journey and He said, "Of course you're not settled, You're not home yet." I asked my Father how will I get through my busy long day. He asked me to tell Him who created the day.(You did God) I asked my Father why I should keep seeking after and loving the people that come to mind even if they never answer or get back on track. He told me to tell Him how He responds when I get off track and don't respond. (Father, you keep loving me and seeking after me no matter how long) I asked my Father what I should do to help me stay more constant along my journey. He said to keep having conversations like this everyday humbly and honestly. By the way Tyararr, yes Father? PRESS ON!