Saturday, March 31, 2007


By: Tyararr J. Jones
As I lay here in bed waiting to drift off to yonder,
My mind is not still as I upon burdends ponder.
Quiet conversation with God as I abound with things to say,
How thankful I am He is near when my heart opens to pray.
Thoughts of hope and expectations cast shadows upon my mind,
Answers to daily ponderings have been very hard to find.
Patience has held my hand, doubt has knocked confidently at my door,
How much longer shall I ignore him, I cannot take this anymore.
As darkness takes its sleep, time continues to take its flight,
Lord calm the rustling of my heart so I may sleep soundly through the night.
O the silent burdens that greet me with readiness and open hand,
Showing me the negative and what from me they demand.
Sweet thoughts of joy find their place in my expression,
Reminded of God's promises that are held in my posession.
Much has been accomplished as I drift off now to sleep,
Resting in my Savior, Who my mind and heart will keep.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


By: Tyararr J. Jones
It seems like yesterday that my heart first smiled upon your presence.
That smile has not faded, for the memories of joy with you are rehearsed daily
in the solitude of my heart.
What has become of the happiness that we shared in fellowship?
How have these walls made us distant strangers, though my heart has kept you closer than my very breath?
Your smile has become clouded with expressions of searching and frustration.
My heart struggles with what was and what is now our present circumstance.
My heart still longs for your fellowship though my mouth remains silent.
The pleasure of giving to you has been halted by your lack of understanding of who I am.
I expect nothing back from you. I only wish to do what has become a pleasure of my heart; that is giving to you.
It seems like yesterday that my heart first smiled upon your presence.
That smile has not faded, for the memories of the beauty of who you are has left me a man who is forever changed.
Though our fellowship may never embrace again, though I never bring a smile to your face again; You are forever an imprint of joy upon my heart and mind.


By: Tyararr J. Jones
The uncertainty of tomorrow has held me tightly for a time that is not my own,
From worrier to believer, I have slowly grown.
Time has placed its mark on me, its hands I cannot control,
My hope remains grounded in the true Savior of my soul.
I tread softly the path of patience that at times is thin,
I seek daily passionately this battle to win.
What is it that I hope for while abiding in this temporary vessel,
The battle wages deeper as I with frustration struggle?
Expectations are unpredictable, though their unveiling is refreshing,
I place my fulfillment in a refinery of eternal hope and blessing.

Monday, March 12, 2007


By:Tyararr J. Jones
She has led me down a path I have tread before,
With great hesitation I find myself knocking at her door.
Memories of our pleasant meetings rehearse as pictures of refreshment,
Remembrances of her smile leave me with a joyful state of contentment.
The beauty of her face has left a fragrance I cannot shake,
She daily meets me in heart and mind when I early wake.
She has led me down a path I have tread before,
I long for her sweet fellowship today and ever more.
Why do I respond to the beckoning of her silent voice,
It caresses my pursuing ears and urges my heart to make its choice.
Shall I succumb again to this longing that dwells within my heart,
Trying to maintain this peace of mind before we silently depart?
Release me my distant friend to whom I daily give,
Recieve the love of which I offer that I may joyfully give.
These steps of mine that I take that knock here at your door,
Have been imprinted with the reminder, that you are the one that I most willingly adore.


By: Tyararr J. Jones
These distant thoughts of peace that find my heart in array,
Searching through the doubt, I shall in a moment find my stay.
Wondrous paths of peace, my heart shall daily treasure,
The focus of my heart and the highlight of my pleasure.
This ground upon which I ponder, its visitors I often welcome,
The giving of which I partake clouds out the desire of what shall be gained.
O stranger of what I am to become in this journey,
Grasp my hand tightly that I might not squander into hoplessness.
My happiness has many faces and my joy has one anchor,
Bind me to a walk that is not my own in these steps of contemplation.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


(By: Tyararr J. Jones)
Clouds of waiting welcome me at morning's door,
Frustration holds its hand waiting to burden me with more.
Time smiles at me with a grin of despair,
The taste of doubt always lurking about in the air.
I gather the particles of faith from yesterday's battles,
Wondering if I have enough to shake life's rattle.
Reminded I am, that my faith's source has no end,
Battle upon battle I can always depend.
The smile of my heart meets the sterness of my face,
Replinished by God's hand, refreshed by His daily grace.
My searching continues, the process is draining,
My life never dry, the storm of my mind always raining.
Peace comes silently like a thief in the night,
My faith has regained its anchor, I press on for another fight.
My answers are in the grasp of a time that is not my own,
Forever secure in my loving God and God alone.